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500 s.f.  L type Ohana/Cottage

500 s.f. L type Ohana/Cottage

500 sf cottage, L shaped floor plan featiring living- kitchen dining module linked to a bedroom bathroom module. Building permit required in all zones. This design features a 200 s.f. covered lanai nestled inside the L shape. Ideal for windy tradewind locations where a west facing covered lanai  makes island living a dream!


500 s.f. interior  $140 per s.f. installed -                $70,000.

200 s.f.  covered lanai $92 per s.f. installed.       $18,400

Total                                                                                    $88,400

Tax                                                                                           $3,686

Total                                                                                     $92,086


    Product specifications. Made to UBC 2011, all wood & plywood is treated for termites.

    Foundations. FMHA block with straps. Floor system. 2 x 10 perimeter rim beam with 2 x 6 floor Joists. Three-quarter inch plywood sub flooring.


    Wall system 2x4 framing with 1/2” plywood siding on exterior, 1x3 battens on all seams and corners all windows and doors trimmed with 1x4 Douglas fir.

    Roof system. 2 x 6 rafters  with half inch plywood sheathing. 2 x 6

    facia. Self-adhesive roof underlayment installed as part of the package to dry in the building.  Roll roofing at additional cost or other custom roof  Can be installed by a  roofing contractor.



    Basic price applies to the following conditions.

    Land on which building it is to be  installed is level, with no more than 2 ft difference in height between any footing location. The location of the building is accessible to a small flatbed truck. There are no encroaching trees or bushes that need to be trimmed. The installation is not within the lot or parcel boundary building set back. 

    Pricing quoted for central Maui, 20 mile radius from Kula, up-charge  for more remote locations.

    Buildings can be installed in more challenging locations subject to additional costs.

  • Upgrades

    Covered Lanai 10’ wide, 12’  roof, 4x4 posts, 4x6 beams.    $ 66 per s.f.

    French door, single, up to 3’    $ 500

    French door, double  up to 6’  $900

     Window, up to 4’ x 4’ size, insulated, sliding, vinyl  $400


Maui Eco Built
+1 (808) 359-4089

Kula, Maui, Hawaii

2023  © Maui Eco Built

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